The Secret Place

the secret place Jan 07, 2022

                                                           The Secret Place

When I think of the secret place, I think of the scripture Psalm 91. A lot of people know this verse and they have even memorized it, they have highlighted it, circled it and even underlined it in their bibles. They have bought it on wooden signs to hang around their house and office & they have bought cards to send to their loved ones who are away in the military or to friends and family who are sick in the hospital. Christians have done so many things with this verse. I have been known to even Declare and Decree this verse over people for protection.

It is probably one of the most memorized Psalms verses besides Psalm 23.

But we have to ask ourselves, do we really understand the secret place and how to reach it?

It is one thing to know the verse but it...

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