Even the rocks cry out in silence

It was January 20 of 2021 and I was in Dallas TX at a New Beginnings conference with my cousin. We were so pumped up and ready to receive what the Lord had prepared for the speakers to give. We got ready for bed knowing that the next three days would be filled with so many emotions, I just didn’t realize how many would hit me. We knew that the Lord was with us and that He is always doing something new. I had no idea I was going to have to release and fully surrender in order to get the experience He wanted me to have. 


It was around 4 something in the morning when I received multiple phone calls and text messages for me to call immediately. At that moment I got the news that my 9 year old Boxer London was sick, not just sick, but deadly sick. Two of my best friends Michael and Tiffany were separately house and dog sitting for me while I was out of town. They took her to the emergency vet clinic and told me that she was inside and it would be a few hours before they...

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