Power in the Name of JESUS

Our Christmas Miracle Story!!!!
Thursday night my family went out to eat. While we were there, my Dad stopped breathing but God stepped in and through the name of JESUS he was healed.
We were just sitting there talking and waiting on the server to come back to bring our check.
Out of nowhere Tammy & I realized something was terribly wrong.
My Dad’s eyes started to roll back, he was babbling incoherent sounds and his head fell into his chest.
We jumped up screaming “Call an ambulance!”, we tried to find a pulse and couldn’t, we couldn’t feel his heart beating and his chest wasn’t moving.
A Pastor showed up out of nowhere, laid his right hand on my dad’s shoulder and started praying out loud. Tammy and I began to pray out loud with the Pastor saying HEAL HIM JESUS!!!
I looked up and everyone in the restaurant was standing up with their arms stretched out towards my dad Praying out loud. I remember...
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