God SEES You

the god who sees Nov 23, 2021

God SEES You

The other day I had a customer walk in and tell me her car was stolen and she had a gun put to her head. As I sat quietly listening to her I could see she felt lost, confused and hurt. The Holy Spirit whispered "Tell Her I See Her"!

She said they stole my identity, my purse, my license, and everything I had in my car.
She said they caught one of the young men but the other two were still out there. She was so upset and focused on the fact that someone took her stuff and she felt like they stole her identity.

I told her God SEES You! "They can't take your Identity" you belong to the Father and He says who you are. He says you are loved, chosen, sought after and the enemy can't take this from you unless you let him. I told her she needed to PRAY for them. They couldn't have done these things if they knew the Father and King Jesus.

She began to cry and she said the Holy Spirit told her to come to our store that day & now she knew why.
She began to cry out to the Father to forgive them for they do not know. She said all this time she was mad, angry and hurt for what they did and what they took.

I told her don't give the enemy any more territory and the battle has already been won through the blood of Jesus. It is HIS love and mercy that those young men needed not death spoken over them.

I told her God sees you right where you are and He loves you so much and no one can take that from you. We both cried tears of joy and hugged liked we had known each other for years.

The next time you feel lost and broken remember that God SEES You!
Cry out to Him. King Jesus can't resist the broken hearted.

Next time someone wrongs you pray for them to have an encounter with the Father instead of speaking death over them and watch the Kingdom move.

Genesis 16:13
Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, “Have I also here seen Him who sees me?”

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